There is no straightforward answer to your question. It may depend on the time interval under study, but more importantly the best stratigraphic resolution and identification of hiati can be achieved by combining various stratigraphic approaches. If only biostratigraphic tools are available you may be able to detect hiati within a planktic foram biozone through the absence of a (shorter) nannofossil zone. Of course, you will have the same benefit the other way round. In case you use would use 'standard' biozones and you would a have seemingly continuous sequence of biozones for both groups in a certain stratigraphic interval, an unexpected coincidence of biozonal boundaries between the two groups may point to a hiatus that cannot be discerned in either group.
So, in your case, you should try to integrate planktic foram and nannofossil data. In general, stratigraphy is the art of data integration. The modern geological time scale is the pinnacle of that approach!
Your question is vague. You need to indicate the facies and the time slice of the sequence containing expected hiatus (whether outcrop or borewell). If both Planktic forams and Nannofossils are present, nothing like using integrated biozonation scheme to achieve higher resolution to estimate the duration of hiatus involved, despite the fact that resolution offered by Nannofossils in Cenozoic is better.
Syed; Question is not vague, integration of more than one tool would always be advantageous whether it is any relevant fossil group. The FADs and LADs in a well section or even in an outcrop section, when analyzed jointly would give finer durations. Yes co-occurrence of different fossil groups in abundance would be an issue. Generally we believe that such co-occurrences have to be facies independent. Best wishes Sudhir