Impossible! Or not? What would be your answer? Well, read the facts on my website, and let us come back to this hypothesis at the end:   

Most of China’s bauxite production is derived from karst deposits. One example of a bauxite mining province is western Guangxi in the South China Block, where resources comprise more than 500 Mt including Permian bauxite ore and its quaternary derivatives ( Liu et al. 2017). The bauxite province is adjacent to the mantle-plume-related Emeishan Large Igneous Province ...

Read more on my website           .......

Back to the Emeishan mantle plume: I suggest that indeed, its activity caused (1) directly the emergence of the marine carbonate platform; (2) indirectly, by emission of CO2, the elevated temperatures and rainfall of the Capitanian greenhouse favouring karstification; and (3) the provision of basalt-derived sediments.

Liu, Xuefei,  Wang, Qingfei, Zhang, Qizuan et al. (2017) Genesis of the Permian karstic Pingguo bauxite deposit, western Guangxi, China. Miner. Deposita (yet no volume no. attributed).

DOI 10.1007/s00126-017-0723-y

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