I'm running an atomistic MD simulation using the NVE ensemble. Unfortunately, the temperature does not stay constant throughout the simulation. To solve this problem I have checked the timestep and the cutoffs and I'm totally sure the problem does not come from those parameters. Does anyone have any suggestions?

The system is a microporous zeolite with around 1000 atoms containing 8 hydrocarbon molecules. I have defined a timestep as low as 0.03fs, cutoffs are 12 Angstroms, simulation cell is around 25x25x25 Angstroms, the list of neighbor atoms is updated very frequently (when displacements move as low as 0.02 Angstroms). Temperature is 600 K. This problem does not appear at 300K (where a timestep of 1fs is enough), but again, the problem at 600K is not the timestep: I mean, 0.03fs is extremelly small. I am quite experienced but I'm a bit puzzled. Software is DLPOLY. Any help is highly appreciated.

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