Because cells are separated and the interstitial fluid is more liquid and there are difficulty to arrive oxygen to the cells. Brain is more fluid and the communication between cells more slowly. Ions can not move so quickly such as before.
Also in 5.5 Km high there is less oxugen and the orhanisms need to develop multiple mechanisms to cover oxugenetion which are hyperpnoea, increase of erythrocytes etc. All these are leading to vasodelation and there is an decrease of presure inside the blood streat. The exchange of fluid in the capillaries is happened due to the difference between the osmotic and the fluidic presure at the beggining and at the end of the capillary (human physiology 1-0-1) the osmotic pressure is changing from the begginnig yo the end of the cappilary due to the increase of the concentration of substances in the capillary vessel. But since the fluidic pressure is changed there is no normal difference between the two pressures and the ballance between the imported fluids to the tissues as well as to the vessels is disturbed. The same process happened to the brain and the remaining fluid to the brain tissue is accumulated and the is a kind of edema.