Recently, I have discovered those platforms or competitions for predictive modelling and analytics (such as Kaggle or Driven Data) on which companies and researchers post their data and statisticians and data miners from all over the world compete to produce the best models. I have to say that they really make me enjoy during some free-time, although some of the competitions require hard effort in analyses structuration and also a team formation (specially in the case of the big projects that are often recognize with a generous quantity of money and other sweet possibilities). However, not always there are economic donations rather than science knowledge. My specific question is: are you interested in collaborate with other people in public data science competitions?
My main objectives are related with human wellness and I am used to program in Matlab, but I can also employ R or python for other purposes. I am also interested in social sciences studies. If you are interested, we can contact and maybe form a team for such competitions! Wellcome and good luck!!