In the occurrence of a sort of an excessive ‘reverence’ regarding ‘ progress’, I am reminded of the words expressed by Jacques Maritain when he said that sometimes we are in the presence of a 'kneeling in front of the world'. In addition, Joseph Ratzinger when he spoke of a 'widening of ‘reason’ intensely interpreted this stream of thought as the opening of a path towards widespread relativism. There is a danger that an excess of rationality in science risks of becoming as something that necessarily renders a religion - such as the Christian one - as a faith that is against everything. For this reason I believe that the choice to an ancient discipline as philosophy may still be the connecting link between various forms of knowledge because of his love and tension towards ‘truth’

The Darwinian evolutionism radically changed the idea of progress, understood as the advancement of history and mankind towards a desirable direction. However, as I see it, it resulted in a random order, and blind-ending, meaningless cosmological and historical sense. In this way it nullified its own idea of the rationality of the universe and of history that inspired the modern science. As it is not the proper occasion to do so. Specifically, the Darwinian evolutionism reduced ‘ progress’ to a casual order, devoid of a meaningful cosmological and historical sense. In this way it nullified just that idea of rationality of ‘cosmos’ and history that inspired modern science.

I’m not to continue even a brief history of the evolution of the content and meaning of progress through the centuries. Only to mention the upheavals in the physical sciences , the tragic questions raised by the Holocaust and the nuclear power, the event of devastating economic crises , the succession of barbarous and tyrannical dictatorships and finally the Cold War , destroyed every residual naive faith in progress . The general debate was extinguished . This would allow it to focus on the advancement of science and , in terms of historical and socio-cultural contexts, a kind of approach different from the one of previous period . By now, the world seems driven by uncontrollable events that inspired awe and pessimism. Rationality, scientific, technical, economic or industrial enterprises were criticized and accused of oppressing the people , violate nature , impose the tyranny of the machines. Increasingly, the themes of progress , those of alienation, exclusion , restriction and suppression of freedom , loss of values, meaning and purpose , survival entered the field. Modernity was accused of bringing in a "new barbarism ." The old rationalist -positivist identification with the progress of science survived in the media, in schools and , in part, in common parlance. That period was characterized by multiplied criticism of techno-scientific activities and enterprises , which were considered bad for the planet and " regressive " for the human species .

Prominent events in the physical sciences , the tragic questions raised by the "useless slaughter " of the world wars and local authorities, the Jewish holocaust and nuclear power, the use of devastating economic crises , the succession of barbarous and tyrannical dictatorships and finally the Cold War , destroyed every residual naive faith in progress . The general debate was extinguished . This would allow it to focus on the advancement of science, in terms of historical and socio-cultural contexts very different from the previous era .

The relationship between the progress of science and the human condition focused the question of whether science can be said to be a progress in itself or only with respect to a general human progress. In the face of scientific knowledge more numerous, extensive and rigorous than in the past, we wondered which consisted in their progress and how to evaluate it. The debate moved from a generic and hypothetical progress of science, in a more concrete and specific progress in the sciences.

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