In the current 'climate change' syndrome, we are constantly looking for ways of ridding the atmosphere of accumulating radiative gases (so-called 'greenhouse gases, GHGs': H2O, CO2, and CH4). Over the last 3 decades, we have found thousands of locations in the seafloor, where one of the strongest GHGs is escaping, namely methane, CH4. These are active gas vents, or seeps, which are easily tracked acoustically, their manifestations known as mid-water gas plumes, or just 'flares'. I have recently found a way of harvesting such gas seepage, with a device (or system) called SUMECO: "submarine methane collector" (see my latest written contribution, in my profile). I belive this to be a viable and cost-effective way of harvesting methane from the seafloor, for use as a resource.