Besides the minimizing the energy of welding and accelerating the cooling rate, are there any procedures to prevent grain growth of heat affected zone (HAZ)?
It depends very much on the material itself, initial grain size (driving pressure), heat input, cooling atmosphere, arc oscillation, and the chosen welding technique.
you can add more dispersoid particle formation element in preparation of filling materials and welding materials, in order to provent grain growth during welding.
When designing a steel, sometimes microalloying is used to prevent grain growth in HAZ, such microalloying could be Nb for instance. Niobium helps to keep the grain size smaller, and therefore achieve better properties. You can read more about it in my article.
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careful bead placement, preheat and interpass temperature's are very important. Weld metal additions should not affect the HAZ unless they affect temperature as the additions are in the weld and would only affect adjacent bead tempering not the base material which is where the HAZ is.
Its depend on the type of welding process, cooling method, parent material etc,,, you can try by adding some alloying element also to prevent grain growth in HAZ