I've got a few samples of marine bacteria that I want to do tests on. I will be doing a few antibacterial tests mostly but I want to know if there are other tests I can do that are affordable or the materials needed are easily accessible.
You have not mentioned what type of test are you looking for - is it biochemical tests that would aid identification in addition to 16s rRNA gene?
We do some of the following ones - they are simple and low cost.
Biochemical tests for the confirmation of bacterial isolate
1. Gram staining: Gram’s staining done following the method of Graham and Parker 1964.
2. Methyl red and Voges- proskauer Test: The reduction of methyl red and voges- proskauer reaction examined in glucose phosphate broth by adding methyl red and α- napthol with KOH respectively (Gachande and Khansole, 2011).
3 Indole test: Production of indole observed in inoculated tryptophan broth after 7 days of incubation by adding Kovac’s reagent (Gachande and Khansole, 2011).
4 Catalase test: Catalase activity observed following the method of McLeod and Gordon, 1923.
5 Ammonia production: Ammonia production by the culture of bacterial isolates in peptone water examined with potassium nitrate and nessler’s reagent (Cappuccino and Sherman, 2005).
6 HCN production: Nutrient agar supplemented with 4.4g/L glycine streaked with bacterial isolates. To detect HCN production, filter paper soaked in 2% sodium carbonate and picric acid solution placed in the top of the plate (Lorck, 2004).
7 Ketolactose test: Bacterial cultures streaked on lactose medium and cultures for 4 days, reagent was poured in each culture and kept at room temperature for 1-1½ hours (Bernaerts and Deley 1963). Presence of Agrobacterium sp. is indicated by change of colour of medium to yellow-green.
8. Phosphate solubilisation: Isolates screened for phosphate solubilisation property on pikovskaya’s agar plates (Gaur, 1990).
Bernaerts MJ and Deley J, 1963. A biochemical test for crown gall bacteria. Nature. 197: 406-407.
Cappuccino JG and Sherman N, 2005. Microbiology: a laboratory manual. 7th Edn. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings.
Gaur AC, 1990. Physiological functions of phosphate solubilising micro-organisms. In: Gaur, A.C. (Ed.), Phosphate solubilizing micro-organisms as biofertilizers. Omega Scientific Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 16–72.
Gachande BD, Khansole GS, 2011. Morphological,cultural and biochemical characterstics of Rhizobium japonicum syn and Bradyrhizobium japoicum of soybean. Biosci. Disc. 2: 1-4.
Graham PH and Parker CA, 1964. Diagnostic features in the characterization of the root nodule bacteria of legumes. Plant Soil. 383-395.
Lorck H, 2004, Production of hydrocyanic acid by bacteria, Physiol. Plant. 1: 142-146.
McLeod JW, Gordon J. 1923. Catalase production and sensitiveness to hydrogen peroxide amongst bacteria: with a scheme for classification based on these properties. J. Pathol. Bacteriol. 26: 326–331.