An interesting question would be whether the set of primitive properties could be (or are) the part of spacetime that entities occupy. If we suppose that any entity occupies a certain part of spacetime, is it feasible to suppose that the set of its primitive-properties are involved within this part of spacetime, or we better consider them (properties) as if they are — in a way — outside the spacetime realm? In other words, are the primitive-properties (e.g. mass, charge, spin, ...) the basic content/constituent of spacetime? Otherwise, going too far, are elementary-particles just special combination of certain properties or the other way round (properties are the result of elementary-particles)? Are entities identical to the set of their primitive-properties?

PS: You may change the terms "primitive-property", "entity", "elementary-particle" with : Primitive-property: probability field of primitive-property, Entity: probability field of entity, Elementary-particle: probability field of elementary-particle


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