First, let us imagine that there are material objects in the Universe which move with the speed greater than the speed of light in vacuum. We are looking at the object through the telescope. What would we see? The Cherenkov radiation is an obvious answer, but this radiation is vitally connected with the movement of a charged particle through the crystal or other material environment.

Second, the possible answers aiming at the breakdown of causality, and thus impossibility of superluminal velocities, are not logically valid, simply because the current notion of causality is constructed on the axiom that there are no real superluminal speeds. We should avoid circular reasoning.

Third, is there ANY possibility to look for an experiment which would test the existence of superluminal speed in an intellectual environment in which one is forced to arrange all things according to the axiom that there is no superluminal speed? By this I mean the logical impossibility to measure one-way speed of light in vacuum.

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