Let u,v be polynomials in two variables x and y over the field C of complex numbers.
Assume that the following 6 conditions are satisfied for all f(x) in C[x], g(y) in C[y]; the notation is of fields of fractions:
(1) C(u,f(x)) is strictly contained in C(x,y).
(2) C(u,g(y)) is strictly contained in C(x,y).
(3) C(v,f(x)) is strictly contained in C(x,y).
(4) C(v,g(y)) is strictly contained in C(x,y).
(5) C(u,v,f(x)) = C(x,y).
(6) C(u,v,g(y)) = C(x,y).
For convenience, call such u,v 'special' or 'a special pair'.
Denote by a the exchange involution (x,y) -> (y,x) and the set of symmetric elements w.r.t. a by S_a.
Question: Is it true that either C(u,v)=C(x,y) or C(u,v) is a subset of C(S_a)?
In other words, is it true that for a special pair u,v, we must
C(u,v)=C(x,y) or C(u,v) is contained in C(S_a)?
I have asked this question with further details in MO: https://mathoverflow.net/questions/454286/are-special-u-v-in-mathbbcx-y-must-be-symmetric-polynomials
Thank you very much!