09 September 2016 3 3K Report

Most of the first year students at our university's Faculty for informatics and computing do not have a clear picture of their career and direction of specialisation in the industry in the field of computing and informatics.

The Centre for career planning employs different methods such as job showcasing, job fairs, volunteer assignments at partner companies etc, but this is done only with students that are interested in this kind of service and who are motivated to undergo excessive career assessments etc. Usually, third and fourth year students choose to enrol in this programme.

I was wondering, based on own experience, if anyone could, please, share their views, ideas or (if permitted) their institution's methods for motivating first year students to think about their career path. Students do not know whether or not to choose a career in programming or other fields of IT, such as planning, testing, consulting, security, networking etc. These are all valid and great fields, but not everyone can easily find himself or herself in this line of work.

As someone who teaches classes to first year students as well as those in the final year of studies, I would like to be able to help them understand themselves and determine career options, but on the other hand, I do not wish to bombard them with all these career planning and assessment ideas and thoughts that might scare them off from the field. Most of them come to the faculty with the idea that they want to get into IT, but not all understand how wide of a field the IT actually is.

What are some of your suggestions regarding this and how to approach first year students with this important life deciding issue?

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