Applied media ethics beyond the rhetorical flourishes of academic pseudo journalism:

Respectfully i really believe that due to climate change factors , potable and agricultural water availablity is proportional to overpopulation and its side effects.

Ergo that we need to focus on the possibility that IT could be directed to exploring and dealing with root causes

I.e.: ...we are aware that the lost knowledge of natural procreative hygiene i.e.: herbal birth control and permitted child rearing age requiments of pre colonial cultures is a critical factor in peaceful population reduction.

Also this information is not accessible to the majority in need of it .

We have been proposing global compulsory education for children via AI infobots and telephony then the question becomes , how accessible would systemic availability be to the documentation of these practices in the oral traditions be via , say the University of Shanghai library of ancient Chinese medicine related to contraception and maternal health ?

However that may sound far fetched but from our perspective it seems unlikely the attempting to correct traffic jams and water flows with AI will correct the core issues and if we are serious about Egovernance and global relations we should start using and making critical life giving information available by way of our magnificent telecommunications grid.

Let us think out of the box on this ...while we still have water left.

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