Intercultural capital as I understand it, includes intercultural communication and dialogue. In addition to our research at IFLAC: The International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace, on both these subjects, I edit a daily IFLAC Digest, on the Internet, that contains intercultural communication of researchers, scientists, writers, poets, from various cultures around the world. As our goal is to create a world beyond war, the use and spreading of intercultural-ism is of capital importance, as it creates bridges of understanding among cultures.
Saya sedang meneliti "Dampak Kehadiran Guru Multietnis terhadap mutu pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Pertama di NTT" studi komparatif di Flores, Sumba dan Timor. Kehadiran guru dengan latar belakang budaya yang berbeda mempengaruhi pola komunikasi dan interaksi dalam proses pembelajaran di sekolah. Siswa lebih diperkaya dengan berbagai karakter, pengalaman dan dialog inklusif agama yang menumbuhkan sikap adaptasi dan toleransi dalam masyarakat multikultutal.