02 February 2015 2 922 Report

Usually the minimum thermal conductivity (kmin)indicates the high temperature thermal conductivity of an insulator when the mean phonon free path is close to the interatomic distance. The minimum thermal conductivity of Clark and then modified by Liu have been widely used to predict the kmin of a number of oxides. (1.D. R. Clarke, “Materials Selection Guidelines for Low Thermal Conductivity Thermal Barrier Coatings,” Surf. Coat. Technol., 163–164, 67–74 (2003). 2.B. Liu et al “Theoretical Elastic Stiffness, Structure Stability and Thermal Conductivity of La2Zr2O7 Pyrochlore,” Acta. Mater., 55, 2949–57 (2007).) 

However, I just read a paper published in Chin. Phys. B, see the attached, that calculates the kmin of electrical conducting materials of M4AlC3. Since there is electronic contribution to the thermal conductivity, my question is :are these authors calculated are real minimum thermal conductivity?

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