FQS is a good journal and I regularly read it. Depending on the nature and discipline of your study, you might want to examine:
- Ethnography
- International Journal of Qualitative Methods
- International Journal of Social Research Methodology
- Journal of Contemporary Ethnography
- Qualitative Inquiry
- Qualitative Research
- Qualitative Sociology Review, and
- The Qualitative Report.
Some of these journals are very limited in terms of their focus and methods, for example, according to its editor, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography does't publish case studies or authoethnographies.
Hi Sera, did you actually got satisfying results with this JANE? I tried some abstracts and the results were rather a mess. I was wondering if you have any further experiences.
Depending upon your discipline, I suggest you check out the listing with links to publication websites, last modified 9/5/ 2012, at: http://www.slu.edu/organizations/qrc/QRjournals.html.
Most journals publish quantitative, qualitative, or mixed research articles. I would suggest you find the appropriate journal for your paper by matching your topic with theirs and make sure it fits their geographic area of interest (some prefer comparative studies across countries, some a regional focus, some are totally global). Have a look at the Impact Factor and judge the value of your paper: if you think it is very good, go for a high impact journal (the score differs according to the subject matter, of course), you can always resubmit to a less highly ranked journal, if rejected. I hope this helps.
International Institute for Qualitative Methodology has a journal called International Journal of Qualitative Research. You may try that. Please visit the following link. http://www.iiqm.ualberta.ca/
I suggest Forum Qualitative Social Research. FQS is a peer-reviewed multilingual open-access online journal for qualitative research. Link: http://www.qualitative-research.net/index.php/fqs
FQS is a good journal and I regularly read it. Depending on the nature and discipline of your study, you might want to examine:
- Ethnography
- International Journal of Qualitative Methods
- International Journal of Social Research Methodology
- Journal of Contemporary Ethnography
- Qualitative Inquiry
- Qualitative Research
- Qualitative Sociology Review, and
- The Qualitative Report.
Some of these journals are very limited in terms of their focus and methods, for example, according to its editor, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography does't publish case studies or authoethnographies.
@Maria. There are many, some of which publish both qualitative and quantitative research. It's a generalisation, but many if not most of the US journals, tend to be quantitative and only publish research based upon large samples. If your research is qualitative I'd suggest looking at journals in your subject area and just see how many qualitative articles they tend to publish. Good luck!
The TQR Community of Nova Southeastern University publishes The Qualitative Report, a free peer-reviewed, weekly open access journal. It typically has two featured qualitative articles and short articles on subjects of interest to qualitative researchers. I particularly find reading the methodology sections of the featured articles extremely interesting as they are longer and more in depth than is usual in other peer-reviewed journals. The journal can be accessed at http://www.nova.edu/ssss/QR/index.html
Amazon sells it. I live in the US so this is the US link: http://www.amazon.com/Designing-Social-Research-Norman-Blaikie/dp/0745643388/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1417709701&sr=8-1&keywords=designing+social+research
A new book cost about $31 for paperback and about $75 for a hardcover. You could try cutting and pasting the link and see what happens. Good luck.
Thank you very much dear its the link for buying this book but i can not buy it .In US its available on Utexas Lib. if possible please download and send to me via email .