I need a book or paper in English or German to identify freshwater fish fry in Europe. Could you recommend me some? Koblickaja (1981) has a book but it was written in Russian. Spillmann (1961) has also written a book but in French.
This includes species from British Isles but may have some of the species you are interested in. It is available from the Freshwater Biological Association.
Keys to Larval and Juvenile Stages of Coarse Fishes from Freshwaters in the British Isles.by Adrian C. Pinder
I would like to recommend another book (this is modified Koblitskaya) - it is quite new and was published in 2011, but also on Russian - [AP Makeyev, DS Pavlov, DA Pavlov. 2011. Atlas of juvenile freshwater fishes of Russia. ISBN 978-5-87317-714-1].
I can send you also pdf of article, unfortunately on Russian again - (Kazanova, 1953) "Identification keys of eggs and fish larvae of The Baltic Sea and his gulfs".
But I think that the Latin names of taxa and drawings should help you somehow.