I am working on network/ switch reconfiguration for balanced/unbalanced distribution system. Please suggest best papers with proper results and understanding.
Network reconfiguration is essentially selecting a topology that has a minimum loss as objective function typically. In other words, some of the lines are needed to remove, while some of the tie lines need to closed such that radiality is not lost and assuring minimum loss. Though it looks like a simple problem, basically, it is a combinatorial problem. Hence, you need a metaheuristic technique for this kind of problem. For every selected topology, power analysis needs to be run.
You can refer to one of the best paper as follows:
"Network reconfiguration in distribution systems for loss reduction and load balancing", M. E. Baran, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol.4, N0.2, April 1989.
It includes data also. Network reconfiguration is explained extremely well in this paper.
Аннотация: Крупномасштабное внедрение в электроэнергетические системы солнечных и ветровых электростанций приводит к серьезным негативным последствиям. Во многом это вызвано стохастическим характером электрогенерации таких станций. Оценены негативные эффекты от внедрения солнечных и ветровых электростанций в энергосистему Юга России.
Abstract: Large-scale introduction of solar and wind power stations into electric power systems leads to serious negative consequences. This is largely due to the stochastic nature of the power generation of such stations. The negative effects of the introduction of solar and wind power plants in the energy system of the South of Russia are estimated.