Dear colleagues,

its quite strange that search on researchgate did not show any results on Activity theory, so I am kindly asking you for a help in finding somebody who have experience with development of questionnaire based on Activity Theory. Trying to develop questionnaire addressing usage of scientific knowledge by public, private and NGO sector. Bellow is one link to paper which describe theoretical framework.

Or if you know some empirical research based on similar questionnaire will help a lot.

Some basic questions I would like to find more about are

How do you use scientific knowledge ?

Where did you find that knowledge?

What types of “tools” you use to find, retrieve and use scientific knowledge ?

How your social environment influences process of finding, retrieving and use of scientific knowledge?

What types of organizations (formal and informal) you could relay for support when you are finding, retrieving and use scientific knowledge ?

What is your conception about scientific knowledge?

Could it be valuable to gather such knowledge somewhere?

How you access papers, how you find them,

Are you satisfied with access, is scientific writings readable, do you get links from colleagues 

Are you use scientific knowledge in your projects

Those are very brief points/questions which we are interested in and are put here just as guidelines.

All the best 


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