Always prefer natural antioxidants from fresh food, but when there is a need for high quantities taken commercially, and antioxidants taken must be under the supervision of specialized doctors. Those who use laboratory tests to determine the need for this or not.
As the increase in antioxidants intake can cause various diseases, depending on the type of antioxidant.
Although our food provides antioxidants but several enzymatic antioxidants are lost due to non-avaialibility of fresh vegetables and fruits. Therefore, stressful life and limited resources generates ROS that can adversely affect our health. Thus, we need exogenous supplementation of antioxidants to remove the ROS-mediated negative consequences. You are right, supplementation of non-enzymatic antixidants more than requirement may cause toxic effects in the body.
According to CBHS health fund, It’s best to get all your nutrients, including antioxidants, from your food rather than from supplements. Taking a supplement won’t make you healthy. There are so many components of food we are still yet to understand that contribute to better health. For more information visit their website:
معظم الناس لا يعرفون في اي نوع من الغذاء موجودة مضادات الأكسدة ويفضل تشجيع الناس على تناول الأغذية الطبيعية التي تحتوي على مضادات الأكسدة بدل تلك التي موجودة في الاطعمة التجارية
I want to add an important point. In some antioxidants, when they increased above of normal range , they can be pro-oxidants in many reaction and produce the oxidative stress..