Most protocols suggest to use between 0.1 to 1 ug RNA. Up to 5 ug can be used but I am not sure about it. With experience we have learnt that good quality LiCl -precipitated RNA makes the difference and sometimes adding too much RNA is counter productive.
Dear Mansi: We have used 0.2 pg of RNA for cDNA synthesis and total RNA amount of starting material can vary from 0.1 pg to 5 μg of total RNA
Thermo scientif SuperScript™ III First-Strand Synthesis System SuperMix is an optimized SuperMix formulation for first-strand cDNA synthesis from purified poly(A)+
For RNA to cDNA synthesis, we use 1 ug of RNA, then the final (20 ul) reaction mix is added to 80 ul of diH2O (final cDNA concentration 1:5), and our data is beautfiful for qPCR / rt-PCR.
Hi! I'm having the same doubt. If I want to use 5 ug or more of RNA for DNA synthesis, do I still use 200 U (as instructed by manufacturer on data sheet, for 2 ug) or should I scale it up? I'm using the Promega M-MLV RT. Thank you!!
Amount of RNA The amount of mRNA in an assay can be as high as 2 μg; the amount of total RNA up to 20 μg. We recommend using at least 1 μg of total RNA in a 40 μl reaction volume. Enzyme concentration The ratio of Reverse Transcriptase AMV (50 U/assay) to RNA is not critical up to 20 μg total RNA.
You can go upto 2 ug of RNA for cDNA synthsis and use 1 uL for qRT-PCR to quantify low expressing genes. (For most of the genes 1:5 dilution of cDNA works well)