Prolonged deprivation of physical interaction with people may yield a paucity of physical activities and mental relaxation. Obesity, diabetes, hypertension, dislipidemia, psychiatric illness, internet addiction, etc may be coming up.
This is an interesting and thought provoking question. As an internist, with a convenient sampling from an outpatient clinic, there already is anecdotal evidence of worsening of control of several diseases like diabetes and dyslipidemia and exacerbation of others like coronary artery disease. This is partially related to the missed appointments, decreased overall medication compliance secondary not only to financial issues but also in part due to lockdowns and logistics of getting the medications.
The anxiety and uncertainty in the air is palpable. This together with the change in norms of social interactions will possibly give rise to an epidemic of psychiatric issues in the near future.
Another expected outcome due to the breakdown of exercise/ a healthy lifestyle is possibly obesity and related disorders.