The website,, states the following:

"The International Framework defines integrated reporting as ‘a process founded on integrated thinking that results in a periodic integrated report by an organization about value creation over time and related communications regarding aspects of value creation.’ Integrated reporting brings together material information about an organization’s strategy, governance, performance and prospects in a way that reflects the commercial, social and environmental context within which it operates. It provides a clear and concise representation of how the organization demonstrates stewardship and how it creates value, now and in the future.

But integrated reporting isn’t just a reporting process. It’s founded on integrated thinking, or systems thinking. Integrated thinking drives an improved understanding of how value is created and enhances decision-making by boards and management. The more integrated thinking is embedded in daily operations, the more naturally this information will be expressed in internal and external communications. On this basis, integrated thinking and integrated reporting are mutually reinforcing."

In relation to the aforementioned:

1. What should be the contents of an integrated report? Currently, the IIRC suggests 8 elements to be part of any IR. These are: organizational overview and external environment, governance, business model, risks and opportunities, strategy and resource allocation, performance, outlook, and finally the basis of preparation and presentation. Do you believe more elements should be added, or some of the aforementioned elements could be removed? On what basis do you make such a recommendation?

2. Do you believe that the contents of integrated reporting could possibly be a threat to an organization?

3. The IIRC defines capitals as "stocks of value that are increased, decreased or transformed through the activities and outputs of the organization. They are categorized as financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, social and relationship, and natural capital". Can improvements in one of the six capitals lead to a negative effect among them? For example, attempting to improve on the financial front might lead to a deterioration in the environment one. Or attempting to provide training to the company’s employees would lead to more expenses and thus a financial decline.

These are only some starting points for discussion, please feel free to add more ideas and raise further questions.

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