In photodeposition of Au,Ag and Pt particles, why the particles size of them is different?(The size ranking 1.Ag 2.Au 3. Pt)
Have read a lot of paper of photodeposition in photocatalysis. The particle size is quite different. Why?
I took measurements of different concentrations of 15 nm and 5 nm Au nano particle solutions. I'm trying to determine which concentration I measured gives the best reading overall. I also...
02 March 2021 7,626 1 View
Hello, I am currently working on simulating water droplet partciles in a closed room. When I use uniform particles, without "particle break-up", I can carry out the simulation without any problem....
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Hello! I'll do a size exclusion chromatography, but I only have an open column, and I'll perform the peptide extraction from yeast, using buffer lysis (sodium phosphate 50 mM/NaCl 30 mM/DNAse and...
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I personally feel this as a most confusing question. As per my understanding, if sample size is > 30, and sample is skewed, we can still use paramteric approach, as it will follow Z...
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Pls share your thoughts
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In the stabilization of AgNPs are vital in current research interest. However, some of the 2D nano-materials like graphene oxide, MoS2, etc... previously used to stabilize it. But still they shown...
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How would define the "good" and "poor" distribution of particles within the matrix. Is there a quantitative solution to assess the distribution of the particles, which then having denotation of...
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I think we were all surprised at the first time we got to know quantum mechanics that the squared modulus of the wave function is the probability density of the existence of the particle? The role...
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Good day to all, I have no experience with light emitting diodes. I am building a glass mini flume to demonstrate the photo degradation of Methylene Blue in water running over self cleaning...
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