What happened to the Canaanites, Jebusites, Hittites and even the Philistines of Gaza? Contrary to what some people believe, I don't think they were exterminated and thus disappeared from the lands they once ruled. There were wars, yes. But they were not so devastating as to wipe out whole nations and their cultures. For centuries, people often lived side by side regardless of differences in cultures and religions, even intermarried and mingled so that both contemporary Jews and Palestinians have justifiable claims to what is referred by some as the Holy Land. I also don't think a just God could have had a favourite or 'chosen' people. The books of the Old Testament despite their being inspired and containing considerable wisdom were nonetheless written from a jingoistic perspective and reflect the cultural biases and prejudices of their authors. The New Testament which was written to address a much wider audience and readership introduced the concept of a universal God who loves all of humanity equally in a world where there is "neither Jew nor Gentile" - a God who can never be used to condone and justify ethnic cleansing, a God who calls on us to love our neighbours and to treat them as we ourselves would want to be treated. This is what makes the central message of the Synoptic Gospels and Acts of the Apostles so relevant if we are to make the world a better place.

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