Hi! I'm looking for a good measure of public health service satisfaction that also identify help-seeking barriers. Anyone who know of such a scale/measure? I want to include it in a larger study of refugee health here in Norway.
The question is, what exactly do you mean by "public health service". As for the health care services servqual method might be a good choice. http://search.proquest.com/openview/7d007e04d78261295e5524f15bef6837/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=41988
The concept 'satisfaction' may not be helpful in identifying aspects of service for improvement. Measuring patient/ client expetience may be a better measure. This paper may be useful background while considering different ibstruments.
Qual Saf Health Care 2002;11:335-339 doi:10.1136/qhc.11.4.335
One way to judge on satisfaction is to study the pattern of services utilization. For example, a sample household survey could help. You ask people if they have needed (got illness) to visit a source of care during a short recall period (say 2-4 weeks). For those who made the visits ask them about their opinion on perceived quality of care which is an expression of satisfaction (Very satisfied, satisfied, not satisfied). For those who did not visit the source of care you can ask about the reasons behind non-visiting. They may mention distance, cost, crowding and poor care, non-caring personnel and so on. These two dimensions (opinion of users and views of non -users would help you to formulate a view on their satisfaction of public health care or any other source of care.