We pretend to use 3-4-dymethylpyrrole as a monomer for conducting polymer. Nevertheless, we haven´t found any reference, concerning its synthesis and(or) polymerization. Do you have any suggestions concerning its synthesis?
You can buy it - richman chemical : http://www.richmanchemical.com/
Stuff has a unique smell.... used it on a project I did way back when - but previous workers had left me a more than sufficient stash, so I never had to make it. Keep it frozen. Because it was not a new compound, the prep isn't in any publications we put out, but is in my colleagues dissertation: Alvin D. Joran, California Institute of Technology, 1986, "Photochemical Electron Transfer at a Fixed Distance" - he was very meticulous in recording his preps, I have often gone back to his dissertation for reproducible syntheses.