Thank you for remembering us that today is the Child's day,
Yes, 1 June is the International children's day. As I see it, all days should be considered children's, woman's, father's, environement's and so on day. We have created days for this, that, and so on, just to hide that we often forget those who we want to celebrate in their day. It seems that we should treat children's well in their day, and can forget them in the rest of the year.
As a psychologist, I think that an happy childhood requires at least three things. Love, action and contex.
No child is happy if s/he is not loved by their parents or caregivers. The British psychologist John Bowlby was able to show us the dramatic efects of lack of love
on children's psychological development, be it cognitive, social, moral interpersonal, emtional, and so on.
No child is happy if s/he has not opportunities to act upon the environment and interact with others, namely with their peers. The Suiss psychologist Jean Piaget showed us that no psychological development takes place if the child cannot interact with his/her physical and social worlds.
No child is happy if s/he does live, say, in an appropriate context, namely a context where s/he can interact with several contexts, such as his/her microcontext, mesocontext, macrocontext, and so on. The USA psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner showed us how these types of context affect the child's psychological development when he compared children ftom the USA and the former Soviet Union.
Those who are aquainted with the movie The Child Wild produced by the French producer François Traufault are fully aware that when children live, say, in a social vacuum, their development remains seriously injured. This movie tells us the true story of a 12-year-old boy who was found in the forest living with animals. The boy was not able to speak and even walk.
I strongly believe that ideal childhoud is asssured by parents love and affection in the first txo years than the wise orientation values and education to prepare the child to live in a right way.
I do not think much of the day of children, women, the environment, and so on. Children should be loved everyday, women should never be subject to domestic violence and discrimination, and the environmnet should be protected everyday. I am of the opinion that these days are a form of showing if not show-off to convey the idea that we all are concerned with the rights of children, women, and the environment. which is not the case. These rights are violated everday in most, if not all countries all over the world. I do not want to be cinic, but these days remind me of hypocrase and bad consciousness.
May be the Child's International day wants to convey us the idea that children are the best that exists all over the world. So, they need an authoritative, not authoritarian or permissive parenting.
Parents, Authorities, Educators are alarmed: to wake up realising that Individuals are to become directly responsible for THEIR OWN PROTECTIONS.; generations and authorities are to "wake up" to "MULTIDIMENSIONALITY + MULTI DIRECTIONALITY equal to geometric Spatial..
Adults are at least one generation behind our children; at least to be aware of the differences and lack of compatabilities from generation to generation.
WE ARE FACING " wakeup alarm" and need Exponential Solution and Action across generations.
A happy home is a warm home, dedicated parents, peace and well-being in the environment. All this is woven into children's games, socializing and learning about work and life