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Questions related to Moral Philosophy
What is the scientific conscience? Now, imagine [together with sir Dawkins] that the smallest unit of measurement of the human being is not even an embryo, that is too complex for him on the...
08 August 2014 8,771 18 View
When a plagiarism software program has yielded a false positive that has led to a serious (and career threatening) accusation against an innocent person, there is little that can be done to...
06 June 2014 4,543 16 View
No doubt we are all aware of a vast pluralism of social and cultural differences, both at home and around the world. What is wrong with relativism, I submit, is that it fails to take such...
06 June 2014 306 20 View
What do you think about the most solvent epistemological paradigm in order to argue about moral and political disagreements: positivism, semantic conventionalism, moral realism, constructivism or...
05 May 2014 637 10 View
Given the need for faculty members to publish their ideas or perish from the university, some academic journal editors and reviewers might abuse their roles. What behaviors, therefore, constitute...
05 May 2014 4,889 15 View
The IRBs are required to certify that the investigations are conducted attached to high bioethical standards. But really bioethics is a discipline that attempts to change the scientific paradigm...
05 May 2014 8,671 12 View
This proposal (attached as supplementary material) has just been accepted for presentation at the annual Business Professors Teaching Summit to be held in May at the LeBow Business School, Drexel...
03 March 2014 9,735 2 View
I find it hard to comprehend when some people (experts in their fields) do not respond to correspondences asking for their opinions/guidance on research. I have been studying an aspect of...
03 March 2014 6,370 10 View
The time he lived, his education, and having been a professor of moral philosophy at the University of Glasgow in the 18th century seemingly might suggest this; however, scholars have different views.
03 March 2014 3,310 15 View
This is my main interest
03 March 2014 4,795 11 View
The various crises are clearly intertwined in a number of ways. Some have claimed that it is just a matter of time, say a bottleneck; others argue this is a crisis of the free market model. And...
03 March 2014 4,239 5 View
Smart drugs are usually referred to cognition-enhancing drugs which improve mental functions such as cognition, memory, intelligence, motivation, attention and/or concentration.
02 February 2014 2,449 7 View
In 1997, former chairman of the President's council on bioethics, advanced the idea that “in crucial cases…repugnance is the emotional expression of deep wisdom, beyond reason’s power to fully...
02 February 2014 8,664 18 View
There are several instances that when an event occurs the effect is seen to be positive on one individual while the same has a negative effect on the other. It is difficult to really understand as...
12 December 2013 3,584 9 View
There are currently 47 member states in the Council of Europe (COE), representing great headway in the project to integrate Europe. Membership in COE purportedly commits a state to abide by the...
12 December 2013 8,180 3 View
There are numerous theories regarding how to ground the moral worth of human beings. What of other living things? Do some have greater value than others? Is a domestic turkey bred and raised to be...
11 November 2013 6,862 10 View
Hume wrote in his Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding: "In all determinations of morality, this circumstance of public utility is ever principally in view; and wherever disputes arise, either...
07 July 2013 5,369 4 View
In a paper I wrote about Kant's Categorical Imperative I quoted Shandon Guthrie who wrote this on something Kant wrote about a man committing suicide: "The dilemma is this: Either he takes his...
06 June 2013 7,545 27 View
I just came back from a workshop and I have had the impression that there is too much contrary evidence for the dual-process/path/system approach to use it for the investigation of moral decision...
02 February 2013 8,732 5 View
The term "ideology" predates Marx and Engels, e.g., Antoine Destutt de Tracy (1796) coined the word to refer to the science of ideas. Since de Tracy, the term "ideology" has evolved into different...
11 November 2012 7,078 5 View
It is unclear whether we can be benefited by being conceived and born. So we don't seem to owe our parents gratitude for that. And although it seems clear that we can be benefited by being fed,...
10 October 2012 8,285 42 View
Among figures political and morale philosophy ,Rawls and sandel represented the aspects of justice in different meaning .
01 January 1970 3,068 1 View
I'm wondering to what extent W. D. Ross's theory provides a method for deciding what the right thing to do is in particular situations. I'm also wondering if this extent should be seen as a...
01 January 1970 433 6 View
In moral philosophy, the Doctrine of Doing and Allowing (DDA) holds that it is always morally worse to do harm than to allow that same harm to occur. But this doesn't seem obvious to me. Is it...
01 January 1970 1,243 7 View