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Questions related to Environmentalism
What are the importance benefits and ways of Waste management and its importance in India?
24 June 2023 9,550 0 View
What is the influence of abiotic factors on biotic communities and how abiotic and biotic affect the biodiversity of an ecosystem?
23 June 2023 6,397 3 View
Hello everyone I am trying to export the deformation gradient of all elements in abaqus. I know that I have to use the following keywords: *EL PRINT DG but I don't know where I can find the...
23 June 2023 3,799 2 View
Although I agree that DMSO is not a preferred solvent for dissolving due to its low solubility, but my study requires the same. I am facing difficulty in completely dissolving my organic extract...
22 June 2023 2,556 1 View
How sustainable development is a solution to environmental crisis and difference between sustainable development and environmental sustainability?
17 June 2023 913 3 View
The translation of breakthrough discoveries takes a long time from bench-to-bedside. In COVID-19 pandemic these restrictions were removed with permission of emergency use of gene therapy and...
17 June 2023 5,921 1 View
15 June 2023 7,889 4 View
Why is differential heating important and how does the uneven heating of the Earth affect polar and equatorial regions differently?
12 June 2023 9,476 1 View
How does the climate in coastal areas differ from that of continental areas and coastal locations have smaller temperature ranges than continental interiors?
11 June 2023 7,606 1 View
Hello I am conducting a linear regression analysis for categorical variables using dummy coding in SPSS. I am then cross-checking the results in R. However, I have encountered a discrepancy where...
08 June 2023 1,260 7 View
Why biodiversity is important in the stability of an ecosystem and type of ecosystem has the greatest amount of biodiversity?
24 May 2023 3,887 1 View
I am a very new researcher in science and technology. Currently doing some research using machine learning, deep learning. I have publish one research in Agriculture Engineering using deep...
19 May 2023 4,423 2 View
We need it to survive but it is also slowly killing us. Did God create us with a shelf life?
01 May 2023 4,306 0 View
Why a balanced ecosystem is necessary for healthy environment justify and forests help in conserving wildlife and eco balance in nature?
30 April 2023 3,327 3 View
The intersection between TRIPS and CBD has been a subject of significant debate in recent years, particularly regarding the protection of traditional knowledge and genetic resources. The TRIPS...
29 April 2023 7,105 3 View
Why does the cycling of materials important in the ecosystem and bacteria can survive only with oxygen and do bacteria grow at night?
26 April 2023 2,006 3 View
Why smart water systems are needed in India and importance of smart water management?
20 April 2023 1,765 7 View
What is the role of farm power and machinery in agriculture and role of farm mechanization in agriculture and role of farm machinery?
17 April 2023 6,658 5 View
Dear colleagues, I want to search about case or example about any specific contents or data are removed due to low viewership or demand in real business world. But i had a hard time to find...
14 April 2023 1,405 3 View
Do all bacteria need oxygen to survive and bacteria grow in freezing water and what bacteria cannot grow without oxygen?
13 April 2023 4,003 3 View
Can all bacteria live in the presence of oxygen and what bacteria cannot survive in oxygen and bacteria survive without water?
13 April 2023 378 3 View
We know plant absorb light, air, water, nutrient and others factors. But everyday,Every Season those absorb elements velocity are not same. There is stress condition, sun matters and others. So...
08 April 2023 4,633 0 View
I need some Artikel or a journal to fulfil my research about applying Photoshop theory for my Artikel titled Improving Student Creativity at SMAN 13 Semarang in Computer Extracurriculars Through...
06 April 2023 9,587 1 View
What is the effect of conservation tillage and crop residue management on soil physical properties and crop productivity and enzymatic activities?
05 April 2023 1,534 3 View