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Questions related to Electromagnetics
Consider a transmission line with Z0=R+jXL and Y0=G+jXC. The propagation constant and the characteristic impedance are: γ=Sqrt(Z0Y0) ZC=Sqrt(Z0\Y0) Considering the transmission line is symmetric,...
08 August 2015 9,996 5 View
Akhlesh Lakhtakia introduced term ‘nihility’ to determine a distinctive exotic state of a hypothetical lossless medium whose material parameters happen to be zero quantities...
08 August 2015 6,195 9 View
After making sandblasting for steel, how could we keep the steel away from rusting?
16 July 2015 9,515 6 View
Weber’s theory of electrodynamics - even though it quite accurately describes the forces between charges in motion, is often looked down as something not consistent with the real scientific...
07 July 2015 6,873 8 View
Hello, I would like to connect electromagnetic coils to an electronics circuit. I need to simulate before I can go further. My circuit is designed in Proteus. I tried FEMM but it cant do the...
07 July 2015 7,409 1 View
In majority of literature (I studied recently the paper by V. I. Stragev and L. M. Tomilchikin Soviet Physical Yspexi v. 4 p 187, year 1973 and also R. V. Tevikyan in Soviet Physics JETP v 24 p...
06 June 2015 6,242 0 View
Due to some limitations, I am interested to exert an electric field in a strange way in long ranges; something like using electromagnetic rays or varying magnetic fields to induce a current in a...
06 June 2015 5,786 3 View
variations of various parameters affects the output of the flow rate.
06 June 2015 5,133 0 View
Diffraction by small particles was investigated by Rayleigh in 1871. If the particle moves, the problem becomes more complicated. Of particular interest is the movement of the transition to...
04 April 2015 3,288 3 View
Until now I used railgun technology in pulse fusion tests, but unfortunately we had to move to design space and military railgun launchers Recently I tested a railgun, but I can measure bullet...
04 April 2015 8,266 9 View
while i was calculating group velocity for desired wavelength (1550 nm) using w-k diagram,i came across an interesting problem. in w-k diagram there are more than one phase constant corresponding...
04 April 2015 6,342 10 View
Could you please tell me, what the difference between the Patch type-FSS and aperture type-FSS in electromagnetic ??????
03 March 2015 515 5 View
I need just the boundary conditions
03 March 2015 6,000 4 View
Suppose we have a complex refractive index at a given frequency from experimental data (the imaginary part being responsible of loss/gain mechanisms). If we are to use time domain electromagnetic...
03 March 2015 7,942 2 View
By this I mean the change in effective dielectric constant calculation formula? There are equations to calculate inductance and capacitance of microstrip discontinuities
03 March 2015 5,083 5 View
Some authors affirm that since the doppler effect is based on energy/momentum conservation in the laboratory frame it is an acutal energy shift of the absorbed photon. A tiny part of the kinetic...
02 February 2015 9,385 79 View
When an X-band waveguide is considered, as frequency varies from 8.2-12.4GHz, radiation pattern becomes narrower in the horizontal plane whereas it gets wider and maximum gain direction varies...
02 February 2015 1,536 12 View
I am doing an experiment on electromagnetic separation and I want to ask whether the change in the distance between the opposite poles affect the magnetic field if the current remains constant?
02 February 2015 3,305 3 View
it is a very low frequency(50 / 60 Hz). I need a software that can help to simulate all the model of the High voltage transmission line to investigate the electromagnetic filed emission... Thanks
02 February 2015 8,883 5 View
How can we derive the equations for characteristic impedance and effective dielectric constant of microstrip transmission line?
01 January 2015 3,447 5 View
I know fundamental forces are made up of 4 forces Gravity, Electromagnetic, Strong and Weak forces. Why Dark matter and Dark Energy not part of fundamental forces? Is it because we don't know...
01 January 2015 5,199 8 View
The solution for epsilon and mu diverges using short circuit line method at higher frequencies. I have taken a sample material with epsilon=5 and mu=3 of thickness 1.5mm. TE10 mode is propagating...
01 January 2015 8,606 1 View
I've read some papers on magnetic Barkhausen effect. In all these papers, low frequency sine wave or triangular wave is used as excitation. Can magnetic Barkhausen effect occur under square wave...
01 January 2015 3,086 3 View
Currently, I am working on 2-D nonlinear joint inversion of VLF and VLF-R data. Since VLF_R data which I am taking in log scale ranging from (0-5) and sensitivity matrix has been calculated by...
01 January 2015 3,425 4 View