5 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Zahra Elyasi Gorji
Dear All, I plan to extract the trypsin from the bovine pancreas, however, I need an exact protocol to separate trypsin with high efficiency and purified composition. I would be so thankful if you...
11 April 2023 2,104 2 View
Dear friends, I could set up micronucleus assay on cell line. but I have a big problem in positive control. I tried vast ranges of H2O2 doses for possitive control(even I used the standard data...
05 July 2016 450 2 View
I am trying to set up ames test in the laboratory based on OECD protocol, but I couldn't find a direct way to order the ames strains, how can I do it?
06 March 2016 1,748 2 View
I am trying to store my slides carrying stained DNA using fluorescent dye (Hoechst DNA staining) for a long period of time. how can I do it?,...Do you have any advice?
07 February 2016 1,284 4 View
I have studied some techniques of genotoxicity (micronucleus assay and mouse lymphoma-TK assay) and i should set up it in the laboratory. But there is not enough experiential instructions in my...
17 December 2014 877 10 View