7 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Zaara Kidwai
I am working on multi species occupancy modelling and I stumbled upon creating residual covariance matrix which has a range of -1 to +1. I need to get a very basic understanding of what a residual...
21 June 2023 5,063 2 View
I read a published paper with multiple graphs as attached, all of them have a caption that says something in the lines of "Predicted estimates (± 95% confidence interval) for xxx. The dashed line...
11 May 2023 3,812 2 View
Hi, I see papers on the Lotka-Volterra competition model in R and the authors have their a12 and a21 values set in the model. However, I am unclear on how they got to that value. Is it derived...
17 December 2022 6,877 0 View
I am conducting GLM on my count data with Poisson distribution settings in R and I was wondering if I could calculate log odds ratios in the models selected. I can't find it anywhere in the...
24 March 2021 7,965 3 View
I am carrying out camera trapping surveys to estimate the abundance and space use relationship of the medium sized carnivore in a protected area. I have done vegetation and ground cover surveys...
06 May 2016 2,308 3 View
Since I don't have a densiometer or Cajanus tube I would like to know the best method for me to estimate canopy cover. I have heard about setting up a mirror with grids but it is not clear to me....
11 March 2016 6,812 7 View
i am working on a set of data and I am confused with the use of Chi square table. I get two values in R, one is chi square value and another is p value. Which one should I compare with the table?...
19 August 2015 3,246 36 View