12 Questions 18 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Yuanhang Liu
Hey, everyone, Can anyone suggest me bioinformatics or medical informatics related conference that is held in USA? Especially the ones that you went to previously or recommended by your...
04 April 2016 6,545 2 View
The question I hope someone can help me to answer, Firstly, Is there any public database regarding intron retention events in the genome? Secondly, UCSC has splice variants track. Does this...
11 November 2014 485 4 View
I would like to analyze breast cancer subtypes, and I know that TCGA is a good place to go. Still, I am wondering if there are some other large breast cancer data cohorts. Hopefully it includes...
11 November 2013 2,978 3 View
I have a RNA-seq count data which I suspect to have a Poisson distribution except that the right tail is quit 'heavy'. Does anyone know some heavy-tailed distribution? It would be better if it...
10 October 2013 7,291 6 View
I have a set of genes and I want to know which transcription factors are overrepresented in these genes. I know tools like MEME, but I have to provide the sequence rather than just gene names to...
10 October 2013 3,349 11 View
I have an expression data. My hypothesis is that it is a combination of two models, negative binomial(NB) and Poisson. Currently, I'd like to do a simulation. Firstly I want to estimate the...
09 September 2013 4,246 2 View
I want to do a project on network modeling, interest especially lies in gene-gene network and miRNA-mRNA network. Could anyone recommend some literature to start with?
08 August 2013 1,220 3 View
After we align our data onto genome using Tophat. I always see reads mapped to the intergenic region. It only accounts for a very small portion though. Could anyone enlighten me on this? What are...
07 July 2013 2,005 20 View
I am kind of stuck when trying to find new algorithms.
06 June 2013 7,286 4 View
What statistic test I can use to prove that a gene is expressed in RNA-seq? For example, after RNA-seq, one gene has a RPM of 100, how can I determine this gene is expressed? Another way to think...
06 June 2013 1,690 10 View
What difference would it have to do a standardized step before kmeans analysis?
04 April 2013 4,003 12 View
Like cell membranes etc.
03 March 2013 7,679 2 View