5 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Yazeed Alayed
Dear all, Would you kindly recommend an English Language editing service? It would of a tremendous help! Thank you!
21 August 2023 720 3 View
Dear All, I hope my message finds you well. I'm doing a diagnostic study to find out the most accurate method to diagnose fever in febrile infants. I'm using axillary temperature mesuramtent as...
20 November 2021 9,921 5 View
Dear all, I have the variable (Surgery duration) represented by values in minutes and the variable (preoperative neuropraxia cases) represented as (Yes/No) values. I want to compare these two...
04 March 2021 5,801 5 View
Dear all, I would like to perform a logistic regression analysis on the correlation between surgery duration time represented in minutes (Scale independent variable) with rate of neuropraxia as...
15 February 2021 4,264 3 View
Dear all , I'm doing a pediatric study and the majority of sample's ages are repressented by year + months such as 6Y+4M. How can enter the data and calculate the mean in SPSS? Thank you for...
02 February 2021 777 10 View