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Questions related from Yaser Maleki
A ring R is simple if it has no two-sided ideal. A ring R is Abelian if each idempotent in R is central and R is domain if for each a,b in R, ab=0 implies that a=0 or b=0.
02 February 2020 6,403 7 View
hello im looking for a equivalent conditions for strpngly \pi regular rings. a ring R is said to be strongly \pi regular if for each x in R there exist a y in R such that x^n = (x ^(n+1))y. do...
01 January 2019 1,774 3 View
hi i want to know about endomorphism ring of power series rings. if anyone know about that or road a paper about that please share it with me. thank you
04 April 2018 9,549 2 View
What is the idempotent in strongly pi regular rings? Is them trival or have a special property? A ring R is said to be strongly pi regular if for each a in R we can find some x in R such that...
10 October 2017 8,528 1 View
Ring theory is a old topic and almost there isn't any job for a ring theorist. Ring theory has no good topics for research and maybe we don't need any ring theorists in our future.
08 August 2017 5,702 2 View
let R be a ring and e be a idempotent and r is an element of a ring R why 1+(er-ere) is a unit?
07 July 2016 8,941 1 View
My friend is a art student and he was asked from me : what is algebra?? He dont know any things about group or ring &... Suppose he don't know any things about mathematics !!!!!! How can...
01 January 2016 7,842 2 View
"The simple submodules of R (as a module over R ) are exactly the minimal left ideals of R . So R=⨁ S i where each S i is a minimal left ideal...'' Then comes the part that I don't...
02 February 2015 875 11 View