6 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Yang Pan
Dear all, I have a watershed and wish to randomly split the watershed into different 'artificial' farms, and the farm area should follow an exponential distribution as found empirically from...
21 January 2020 3,936 3 View
I want to use the multifractal cascades model to do a 3D downscaling of the radar rainfall products into finer spatial and temporal resolutions. However, the radar data I am using (NEXRAD in the...
22 March 2016 733 1 View
I want to do some research on the impact of rainfall observation on urban storm water management. To do this a urban hydrological model with high spatial and temporal resolution is required....
08 August 2015 416 3 View
I am using the Matlab Fuzzy Inference toolbox to build an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system. I first use genfis3 to generate a FIS system and do the clustering, then use anfis to further...
04 November 2014 4,325 6 View
When comparing two time series forecasting models, there are many statistics, e.g., R2, RMSE, Nash efficiency, etc. However, they are all for deterministic models, when considering the uncertainty...
29 September 2014 5,217 6 View
For example, if I have a probability distribution function (say a gamma function) of a series (say a daily streamflow series), and maybe I have a few other related data (say daily series of...
13 April 2014 2,009 1 View