6 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Xinyan Lu
Myc protein belongs to Myc family of transcription factors, which also includes N-Myc and L-Myc genes.My question is why cmyc is called cmyc? Is there any allusion?
10 October 2016 439 0 View
In search of articles, I found that neutrophil migration could be blocked by several chemicals. However, the specificity and time and space control is a big issue. Is there any way to specifically...
09 September 2016 5,430 4 View
In zebrafish, HSPCs are surrounded by niche cells. Tomo seq would reflect the distribution of cells but not the single population. How can we dissect single HSPCs without harming and reaching...
09 September 2016 2,184 1 View
I refer to papers and found that RLM-RACE is used for detection of targets whose sequences are partially unidentified. However, I want to confer the targeting of a miRNA and a target whose...
07 July 2015 8,126 2 View
Some microRNAs consist of mature 3p and 5p, but how do they interact? Why are 3p and 5p expressed in different tissues?
01 January 2014 6,272 4 View
With promoter binding activities
07 July 2013 2,286 4 View