8 Questions 143 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Xabier Vázquez-Campos
We've done metaproteomics on a very simple enrichment culture (2 spp.) for differential expression. The data analysis basically shows functional changes in the community as a whole. Some reviewers...
26 November 2021 3,158 3 View
As far as I know, the dodecaheme cytochrome c, decaheme cytochromes MtrC and MtrA, and potentially some flavocytochrome c are involved in metal reduction by respiration. Do you know any other? I'm...
08 January 2016 4,847 1 View
What workflow do you usually follow to process the metagenomic (shotgun) data? I just got my data and I have been reading quite a bit about how to process them but I didn't get a well defined...
24 August 2015 1,281 12 View
Hi, I got some microbial sequencing data from eukaryotic 18S. I know that 97% similarity is frequently used to define bacterial OTUs based on 16S but the 18S sequence in eukaryotes is often much...
29 April 2015 5,264 4 View
Following my previous question on metagenomics (see link) I was wondering if replicate samples are necessary or convenient for recording changes on the community functioning over time. I search...
15 April 2015 8,173 9 View
I'm starting to plan a new project to characterise the biogeochemistry of a site where radioactive waste was buried more than 50 years ago: water flooding a chamber where it is allocated and...
23 March 2015 4,765 8 View
Does anybody have any idea what is the lower limit for a uranium concentration in acidic leachate for solvent extraction to be profitable?
09 January 2015 8,976 2 View
I've seen several publications and in many publications the abbreviations for the molecular vibration modes using greek letters don't match with others even if they refer to the same. The only...
23 October 2014 5,358 7 View