7 Questions 83 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Wenceslau Geraldes Teixeira
Dear colleagues, We are looking for specific (or global) PTF functions (with good performance in sandy soils) to estimate hydraulic properties (field capacity, permanent wilting point, available...
13 March 2021 8,175 9 View
I have just start to learn about Bamboo management and learned that many genera and species (Dendrocalamus, Guadua) are not tolerant to waterlogging. Does someone have experience with bamboo that...
02 November 2015 2,783 6 View
What were the criteria to delimet the textural classes (i.e loam, silt loam, loamy sand, etc) ? The USDA soil texture triangle has been built using line limits among the textural classes. Does...
19 October 2015 6,908 11 View
Dear Soil physicist and colleagues. We are planning can use the 3D scanner to evaluate soil bulk density. If you have done this kind of measurements and can recommend or alter us about...
16 September 2015 6,768 7 View
Does someone have experience measuring magnetic susceptibility in soil samples (in field and lab) from archaeological sites to identify soil variability and remanent magnetic properties? My...
08 August 2014 1,287 8 View
Bud rot (also called pudricion del cogollo or Amarelecimento fatal) wiped out thousand of hectares of oil palm plantations in South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru). I have found few...
05 February 2014 5,222 96 View
We are carrying on a survey of methods and procedures about method(s) to evaluate soil water retention in soils (in lab) and field. Our goal is to have an overview about which and how the methods...
03 February 2014 8,796 7 View