15 Questions 28 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Wassim Diai
dear community, in order to describe a website architecture design (pages , order of pages, titles,..) I tried to apply web scraping , but till now I can't find a tutorial on how to get this type...
01 December 2021 1,348 3 View
Dear Community , in order to analyze a component website and its features ; I want to extract some data from the website , it's first time to hear about the web scraping, can you guide me please ,...
05 October 2021 3,725 4 View
Dear Community , I have a column in my dataset containing ip-adress , I'm trying to do some exploratory data analysis on my dataframe , but I don't know how to explore or describe the ip address...
22 September 2021 2,631 4 View
Dear Community , while trying to analyze my dataframe, I faced a problem concerning which type of questions I should investigate using 3 columns , my dataframe presents lead activities and their...
20 September 2021 867 3 View
dear community , my dataframe contain 24 column including lead id and user id , in fact I'm trying to analyze the dataframe in order to understand thee relationship between columns and its...
16 September 2021 6,218 7 View
dear Community, can we build a costumer relationship management (crm) using python , for workflow automations? if it's possible , any sources would be helpful thank you. best regards
23 July 2021 6,409 3 View
dear community, my model is based feature extraction from non stationary signals using discrete Wavelet Transform and then using statistical features then machine learning classifiers in order to...
04 March 2021 7,670 5 View
dear community, for my project i'am using anaconda jupyter lab , for the same lines of code using same editor , just after clicking on restart kernel and clear all data im getting different...
27 January 2021 688 7 View
for a dataset with 5 categorical classes , what would be the be the best classifiers ? size of data (670,49)
05 January 2021 5,435 6 View
Dear community , I need your help , I'm training my model in order to classify sleep stages , after extracting features from my signal I collected the features(X) in a DataFrame with...
26 December 2020 4,917 8 View
Dear community , currently working on emotions recognition , as a first step I'm trying to extract features , I was checking some recources , I found that they used the SEED dataset , it contains...
14 December 2020 9,630 6 View
Dear community , during processing my dataset ( physionet sleep edf ) , I created epoched data , and then created different lists , each list representing a sleep stage and containing the epochs...
16 November 2020 9,040 3 View
Dear Community , I want to load my dataset from physionet Sleep edf , and try to separate the list of signals than the list of labels so I can apply the feature extraction , I used MNE python ,...
15 November 2020 8,297 5 View
I'm trying to apply the gradient on my eeg signal , after selecting one channel : raw = mne.io.read_raw_edf(a[0]) new_order = ['EEG Fpz-Cz'] raw = raw.copy().reorder_channels(new_order)...
08 November 2020 5,485 0 View
Dear community , I tried to extract features using continuos wavelets transform using python on my data , but I faced some problems ; my dataset are sleep recordings for 10 patients (physionet...
07 November 2020 1,168 12 View