20 Questions 61 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Vikram Kumar
As per the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), for rainy days to be considered, in a day total amount of rainfall should be 2.5mm or more than that. I am curious to know the reason to keep it...
11 August 2021 9,962 3 View
Dear All I am working on the urban flood management and for the understanding of the urban flood I am in need of the digital drainage map of Patna city from where I wanted to begin the study. In...
20 July 2021 5,460 5 View
Dear All I am working on the Government-funded project to understand the hydrological and soil behavior of the Gaya district and Bihar state in order to understand the slope stabilities and soil...
23 September 2020 3,821 7 View
Dear Experts, As we know that construction of unit hydrograph for a guged locations helps in discharge estimation, especially peak discharge. I am interested to construct the unit hydrograph of...
11 October 2017 3,236 17 View
Groundwater and surface water can be considered a single water resource and thus it is important to understand groundwater contributions to streamflow, or baseflow, within a region. In mountainous...
03 August 2017 2,446 3 View
I have calculated the crop water requirement of all the crops grown in the micro watershed of the area 2 Hec. The area is situated in rural part of the semi-arid mountainous region. Can anyone...
10 April 2017 2,579 15 View
We have generated the map from time domain reflectometer (TDR) of hilly area and don't have much knowledge in analyzing the images. What inference that can we expect from the three different...
09 January 2017 9,283 3 View
Dear Experts I have to do cost benefit analysis in micro irrigation in Himalaya so can you suggest me any past study related to this. Which common methodology do we have to adopt for rural area of...
20 December 2016 1,635 5 View
I am working on watershed modeling and I have daily stream flow observation with rainfall. Rainfall data have some missing values so how can I improve the series if there is no nearby gauge...
01 December 2016 7,624 15 View
I have a network of rain gauges and stream flow measurement, but often due to some issues I have missed rainfall measurement and stream measurement so how can it be find out on daily time scale. I...
23 August 2016 8,010 11 View
Dear Experts I have continuous discharge series of last 2 years along with the rainfall. I want to understand the LULC impact on discharge, so can I use HEC-HMS to understand it. Can anyone let me...
17 August 2016 9,998 13 View
Dear Expert. I have one year daily (at 30min) meterological data from AWS of rural area of Himalayan mountain, so how can it be utilized in better way for modeling? What else that I needed to...
04 August 2016 1,309 3 View
I am looking for ISO 7066-1-1989, Its basically for Assessment of uncertainty in calibration and use of flow measurement devices -Linear calibration relationships. Please share it if some one...
03 August 2016 1,665 3 View
I have to quantify the crop water requirement of a mountainous region and for that I have to estimate the ET first for that I have continuous 1 year meteorological data. So anyone suggest me the...
22 July 2016 7,434 4 View
Dear All Could you please help me to get LULC map for the area "Tehri Garhwal District, Uttrakhand, India". Is there and website from where i get this else How to get it?
07 December 2015 8,849 8 View
Can any one suggest way to study impact of LULC on runoff what is the way to do? Presently i am monitoring discharge of stream but i don't have any past data and even quite not possible to have...
20 June 2015 3,438 22 View
Please can anyone help in modelling of spring discharge. I have 1 year data and which still continue keep monitoring at 15 Min resolution. Other than discharge i have only rainfall data is there...
20 June 2015 7,480 5 View
Dear All As we all know that there are multiple journal are available belonging to our research domain. But while submitting the manuscript what most important thing we need to consider. How is...
01 January 1970 6,231 4 View
Dear Professor/Researchers I hope this call finds you well. We are pleased to inform you about an upcoming Special Issue in Frontiers in Water, titled "Advancement in Hydrological Modeling and...
01 January 1970 4,836 1 View
Call for papers for our upcoming special issue: ailing Through Change: AI and ML Approaches for Climate-Resilient Hydrology If you are interested in submitting a paper for this special issue,...
01 January 1970 4,798 0 View