15 Questions 64 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Victoria Rubin
I'm looking for cases of justified deception. If you see anything reported in the news, would you kindly provide a link? If you have a story to tell or an opinion to share, I'd also be very...
06 June 2016 1,833 22 View
In your past experiences have you had to do cross-language searching? What are the best search strategies across languages? It could have been for your own research, or for creating a list of...
09 September 2015 7,317 0 View
In "Trapped in the Virtual Classroom" (July 9, 2015 issue of the New York Review of Books: http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2015/jul/09/trapped-virtual-classroom/) David Bromwich, an...
07 July 2015 2,915 64 View
The CBC, a major Canadian radio station, just ran an episode about the Internet of Things (audio: http://bit.ly/1FYrbkN) last Saturday (on Terry O'Reilly's Under the Influence) . There were a few...
06 June 2015 2,826 1 View
We are thinking through some of the problems in distinguishing reputable news from phony ones. What might give you a clue that an online story you are reading is bogus, fake, or unreliable? We'd...
05 May 2015 7,484 27 View
I'm looking for sources or actual stories (trending or past ones) in which unverified (fake, fabricated or intentionally misleading) news were passed for bona fide reporting. Any topic will be of...
01 January 2015 845 16 View
Formal evaluations of machine translation (MT) systems give a user a general sense of translation accuracies. For users with a passing knowledge of a target language, it is hard to establish...
10 October 2014 826 19 View
How do you go about getting the information you need, if you have only passing familiarity with the language that the information is in (or no knowledge of it at all)? Have you ever been able to...
10 October 2014 8,427 7 View
This BBC reportage (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-27281414) says a London (UK) school has 600 children with 42 different languages among them. Is it that unusual? It made me think of a local...
05 May 2014 5,022 6 View
A BBC article reports on the use of big data analytics for predicting successful matches on dating websites (bbc.in/1jqhDWj); for instance, they find the 3 most predictive questions couple agree...
03 March 2014 1,538 28 View
Say, you want to know what the Russian and Ukrainian online news are saying about the recent Kiev events and the EU Summit? Or, say, you'd like to see first hand what the Chinese or Malaysian...
03 March 2014 4,711 29 View
What would you suggest for big data cleansing techniques? Is your big data messy? If so, how (or how much) does it affect your work / research? How do you get rid of noise? How do you verify big...
01 January 2014 7,211 18 View
I would appreciate pointers to any papers that demonstrate progress in detecting deception (falsification/lying) in Japanese, Mandarin/Cantonese, and or Korean specifically, or any other Asian...
12 December 2013 8,360 11 View
Does anyone have good sources on psychological, philosophical, and/or sociolinguistic aspects of deception / lying / face-saving in Asian cultures? What are typical perceptions, taught cultural...
12 December 2013 5,724 5 View
While the media hype about "fake news" may have died down in North America a bit, the issue of various kinds of viral deception in digital environments (or CMC) have not gone away. Not in North...
01 January 1970 6,118 14 View