7 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Valeriya Azorina
Having problems with the JISCMail, so trying my luck here: How can I regress out nuisance regressors (WM, CSF signal, motion and global mean outliers) without having a model or main EVs because my...
10 May 2016 919 8 View
I am hoping to better understand the neuroscience of divergent versus convergent thinking as part of a creative process, so I am thinking of a block-design fmri study including divergent and...
28 April 2016 6,650 2 View
I am doing a resting-state seed-based analysis as I understoon, I will need to include regressors for CSF and White matter to regress them out in the GLM. How exactly do I make that happen?...
27 March 2016 183 10 View
I want to create separate masks for right and left hemispheres of the following regions: ventro medial prefrontal ctx (vmPFC), dorso medial prefrontal ctx dmPFC), anterior middle cingulate ctx...
10 March 2016 6,516 16 View
Have encountered 3std and 1mm, 6 and 2, 3 and 2, 5 and 3 in literature...what would you recommentd? Is there a rule of thumb to decide what's best for which data or similar?
08 March 2016 2,635 5 View
I am using FSL to perform resting state analysis, just past pre-processing, I realized that identifying noise components manually is not only time comsuming, but may not be 100% accurate. Are...
07 February 2016 8,505 4 View
I am hoping to understand whether and how the restrictions coming with the COVID-19 crisis impact research. Both in positive and negative ways. What challenges researchers are facing and what kind...
01 January 1970 9,462 4 View