14 Questions 35 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Uttam Kumar Basak
If I am not wrong, a dynamical system is called 'chaotic' if it satisfies the following two conditions: (i) having strange attractors in phase space, (ii) sensitivity to initial conditions. What...
11 November 2015 7,717 8 View
I need the parameters for FeCl4- ion in any of the following force fields - GROMOS, AMBER, CHARMM or OPLS. The force field development of transition metal complexes is very difficult. I did a...
04 April 2015 5,876 7 View
I have a 2D system, you can think of it as a 2D sheet. There is a formation of ridges in this sheet when it is given a constant in-plane pressure. I want to model the ridge dynamics. Is there any...
07 July 2014 4,408 4 View
I want to calculate interaction energy between two molecules as a function of their separation. I also want to see how geometry of the molecules affects their interaction energy. Can you suggest a...
05 May 2014 7,590 17 View
I have obtained free energy of solvation in water using perturbation method with GROMACS. I want to calculate the solubility of the molecule in water. How can I do that?
01 January 2014 2,541 35 View
I just want to take a survey. Please mention the name of the software. You may add what you are studying with molecular dynamics.
01 January 2014 10,098 8 View
I have solvated a ligand molecule with water molecules within a box defined by "inside box 0. 0. 0. 33.726 33.726 33.726" in packmol. Will it be meaningful and helpful to use editconf for defining...
10 October 2013 8,897 1 View
I want to solvate a ligand molecule with (united-atom) octanol. I have a pre-equilibrated box of 512 (united-atom) octanol molecules. I am using editconf and genbox tool for solvating the ligand...
09 September 2013 8,770 8 View
I have used Python. It is simple and powerful. One of the crazy things about python is ipython shell. I don't know Perl. I have heard that it is an excellent scripting language. Which one do you...
09 September 2013 7,836 11 View
I need a 3D structure of molecule for molecular dynamics simulation. I don't have a good chemistry background. I want a software which can assign the bond length, bond angle etc. automatically....
08 August 2013 795 11 View
Antechamber from AmberTools13 is giving an error: " cannot run "..../sqm -O -i sqm.in -o sqm.out" of bcc() in charge.c properly, exit" " I have installed AmberTools13...
08 August 2013 5,214 8 View
I have used ATB (http://compbio.chemistry.uq.edu.au/atb/) server to generate topology for piroxicam molecule (having 36 atoms). It has generated topology for GROMOS96 force field with two charge...
08 August 2013 6,814 7 View
I want to simulate Piroxicam (NSAID drug) molecules with GROMACS. I have the GROMACS topology file generated by PRODRG server. As mentioned here http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ci100335w...
07 July 2013 5,609 5 View
I have a .mol 3d structure of a nonligand molecule (piroxicam). I opened it in pymol and added hydrogens to it before saving it as .pdb file. Then I used this file as an input to ATB...
07 July 2013 3,900 6 View