18 Questions 53 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Utkarsh Singh
Description of 'useactual' in OpenDSS help is as follows: {Yes
23 June 2023 7,883 0 View
Rotational loads are definitely linked to the reactive power readings in distribution network. Are there any direct or indirect relationships derived between the two?
23 September 2021 2,301 3 View
Considering the point of estimation (POE) being an MV/ LV Transformer, how to calculate the contribution of continuous phenomena (as listed in EN 50160) from MV? Is the estimation possible in...
14 January 2021 4,440 5 View
Suppose we have N sources each leading to M processes. Each process is quantified by a probability of occurence. The probabilities of occurence for M processes corresponding to N sources are...
28 May 2020 2,720 0 View
Suppose voltage, current and frequency data can be accessed from different points in the power distribution networks. What are the various problems that DSOs face and can be solved with that data?...
25 July 2019 387 19 View
In several discussions, I have often come across a question on the 'mathematical meaning of the various signal processing techniques' such as Fourier transform, short-term fourier transform,...
01 January 1970 1,074 0 View
I have some idea about the Big O notation. Please direct me to any article or tutorial so that I can derive the computational complexity of any algorithm on my own
01 January 1970 1,079 2 View
Is it possible to visualize such high frequencies in distribution networks with the conventional signal processing techniques?
01 January 1970 8,720 6 View
Are there any monitoring techniques or devices for power quality monitoring in high voltage levels (HV, MV, HVDC)? How is it ascertained if a power quality issue is propagating from the high...
01 January 1970 5,221 4 View
Kindly share some publications which have addressed real-life forecasting problems.
01 January 1970 7,900 10 View
Refer to the attached image (Source: https://medium.com/mlreview/understanding-lstm-and-its-diagrams-37e2f46f1714) Why do we need two extra sigmoids (marked with red in fig), when the outcome of...
01 January 1970 1,198 9 View
I want to find relation between 2 time series: a and b. I followed two ways: 1) Differentiated both 'a' and 'b' at lag 1 to remove trend (giving differenced time series 'ad' and 'bd') and then...
01 January 1970 6,916 3 View
Is there any way to plot 95% CI around a numpy array in Python? The closest I managed to find was 'seaborn.pointplot' but didn't really work out for me somehow Shows an error : AttributeError:...
01 January 1970 6,684 4 View
I need to know the computational complexity of two operations in terms of Big O notation: (i) Elementwise division of two NxM matrices (ii) Elementwise multiplication of two NxM matrices In both...
01 January 1970 822 6 View
I am using a window of 400 samples to analyze a signal with 1280 samples (sampling frequency used is 6.4 kHz). How do I find the overlap length in this case?
01 January 1970 3,975 2 View
Based on the formula Δ f=1/T=fs/N, it can be understood that in order to improve time or frequency resolution one has to either change signal properties or adjust window length. Then how can it...
01 January 1970 4,649 11 View
Does it also have any impact on noise immunity?
01 January 1970 1,027 1 View
Is hosting capacity analysis really a new concept or merely a rephrased DG allocation problem with more constraints (voltage stability, thermal limits, transformer loading, THD, reverse power...
01 January 1970 8,566 0 View