5 Questions 78 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Tyler Chafin
Anyone know of a program or R package which I could use to quickly tally up the most common topologies from a series of bootstrap pseudorep trees, or from trees sampled from a posterior...
03 March 2016 8,786 3 View
I am working on a de novo assembly for an organism with a fairly small genome (~200 Mb), and for which we have already generated paired end (2x100) Illumina reads which assembled gives an N50...
01 January 2016 7,614 5 View
As a early-career PhD student, this is an issue I am currently thinking about as I am preparing (my first ever) two manuscripts. What criteria do you use when determining co-authorship, and author...
12 December 2015 6,336 6 View
Our lab uses ddRAD (a variant from the family of RAD-seq methods) for simultaneous SNP detection and genotyping. To find homologous loci across multiple individuals, we first cluster reads within...
12 December 2015 2,159 3 View
I am preparing to do a small preliminary study of niche delimitation in a group of fishes, using in part stable isotope analysis. I am completely new to stable isotope analysis, and so I apologize...
12 December 2015 8,066 5 View