8 Questions 65 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Tomasz Rak
I wanted to perform a confirmatory analysis on Schwartz PVQ questionnaire part. The construction of the questionnaire assumes that individual items combine into dimensions (latent variables),...
15 January 2021 2,158 9 View
I have data on the effectiveness of the three treatments: T1, T2 and T3 for each patient. Each variable is coded dichotomously - 0 = drug not working; 1 = drug is working. The patient could feel...
01 December 2020 1,339 14 View
Introduction: the DCE method is used to measure the preferences of a set of (mainly) nominal features that make the research plan in the form of scenarios that are a combination of these features....
12 February 2020 8,375 7 View
I have a correlation between two variables, and 40 groups in which I would like to compare it. Then extract several larger groups (reduce the number of subgroups) in which the correlations are...
06 September 2019 1,852 5 View
Can anyone help me answer the question of whether t test for unequal variances is calculated in SPSS according to Welch or Cochran-Cox correction? Test statistics are the same, they differ only...
30 May 2019 7,644 14 View
Suppose I have three measurable variables (A, B, C on figure below) and one latent (L) in my SEM model. This one latent one is a construct/dimension consisting of 5 questions from some...
08 April 2019 1,067 6 View
If I have to report the observed statistical power, what is its standard symbol in tables and text? 1-b? Are there any guidelines in the APA or Harvard standards?
18 September 2018 1,789 17 View
In APA 6.0 manual there is information (pp 113) about reporting degrees of freedom for Pearson correlation coefficient - and for parametric correlation it is sugested to report df's. But what...
04 April 2017 5,437 2 View