5 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Tianyi Wang
Hello everyone, I would like to use Rstudio to analyze TCGA data and generate a heatmap using the heatmap package. I try to divide the patient sample into two groups according to one gene...
18 December 2021 8,940 3 View
Dear all, I got these two plasmids from Addgene (#86849 and #138714) and tried to transduce into MDA-MB-231 cell line using the lentivirus. Therefore, I packaged these two plasmids in 293T cells...
06 September 2021 8,734 6 View
Dear all, I would like to see the effect of my drug on Raw264.7 polarization and I would like to use the Raw264.7 conditioned medium to treated cancer cells to see the anti-cancer effect. And I...
07 November 2020 4,666 2 View
I have read some publications and it seems like dextran-conjugated fluorescent dye is a perfect and specific macropinocytosis marker. And based on this article (Li, L., Wan, T., Wan, M., Liu, B.,...
05 February 2020 3,736 0 View
I am currently doing some work about starvation-induced autophagy. I treated the cells with EBSS medium without FBS for 4 h to induce autophagy. The morphology of the cells got strange. And when...
06 December 2019 1,394 4 View